For the first time in
Inviting all lovers of music.
Soulful melodious extraordinary singing!
Music & Dance Concert is a platform
created by the Culture Cafe
where fabulous artists showcase their talent.
Join us in supporting these artists by showing your presence at the concert.
Limited Seats! Don’t Miss!
Call now to book & get more details:
Mrinal Mandsorwale on
0402 944 836
The Culture Cafe is thankful for the organisations/ businesses who will be associated with us for this event.
Why Culture Cafe?
Every Culture cafe Production is unique
The Culture cafe has taken up the cause of propagating classical ARTS in the contemporary scenario of today.
Apart from imparting training and masterclass to Senior students, the Culture Café is dedicated to bring to the audience productions of a high standard. Many dance dramas, theatricals, ballets, music shows as well as short productions have been produced under the direction of the talented artistic committee of The Café artists from NSW and now in Victoria, Melbourne.
The Café will continue to host recitals of Vocalists and Musicians (all heritage instruments) and young talented (children of all ages) emerging artists for the broader community to enjoy.
In 2024 the cafes wellness programs include Meditation & Yoga , Dance classes, Vocals, Flute & Sitar lessons.
Talk to us about your passion and get started in 2024
Join us on a journey of celebration with people determined to hold strong to their Culture.
